“The naturalistic perspective qualifies as being scientific in the best meaning of that term.”
Chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Expertise | BOOK CHAPTER |
Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts in The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 2nd Edition | BOOK CHAPTER |
Bridging a glaring gap in Naturalistic Decision Making: motivation | PDF |
How context and content affect handoffs | PDF |
Exploring theories of the self | PDF |
The concept of macrocognition is a way of describing cognitive work as it naturally occurs | PDF |
Examining sensemaking from various perspectives to separate things that are doable from things that seem more like pie-in-the-sky | PDF |
The Data/Frame Theory of Sensemaking posits a closed-loop transition sequence between mental model formation and mental simulation | PDF |
The naturalistic perspective serves as common ground for the Naturalistic Decision Making community and deals effectively with criticisms | PDF |
Intelligence analysis as a form of critical thinking and what makes it difficult | PDF |
The Poverty of Memes | PDF |