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Perigean evaluating automated assessment authoring support for ARI

Perigean Technologies has been awarded a three-year contract with the Army Research Institute. The project, which includes partners at the University of Michigan and University of Texas at Austin, will advance and evaluate automated authoring approaches for concept mapping-based assessments.

Perigean to conduct mental model research for AFRL

Perigean Technologies has been awarded a three-year contract with the Air Force Research Laboratory to mature and evaluate Sero! for mental model comparison. The effort will enable Perigean to explore and design for methods to compare how people think about and model their worlds.

Perigean supporting user experience research at Department of Veteran Affairs

After winning two competitive awards, Perigean Technologies has established long-term contracts to provide research support to the VA. We are honored to be supporting the human-centered research and design efforts underway at the Human Factors Engineering and Digital Services at VA offices. Press releases are here and here.

Perigean hosts viewing of Why They Kill

To promote our appreciation of the naturalistic perspective, Perigean Technologies hosted two screenings of the award-winning documentary, Why They Kill. The film highlights the theory of violentization and its relevance to decisions about how best to mitigate violence, as developed by Professor Lonnie Athens. We look forward to future screenings in the DC area.

Perigean co-hosts Beyond Multiple Choice

Perigean Technologies has taken on a leadership role in promoting alternative approaches to learning/knowledge/skills assessment by co-hosting BMC. The event, hosted each year since 2018, has drawn over 1,600 researchers, educators and innovators to discuss the future of e-assessment. See the latest plans and register at the BMC website.