Assess It

Today’s learning assessment techniques are not much different than yesterday’s, asking learners to regurgitate marginally related facts and thus failing to get at higher order thinking skills. They tell us very little about learners’ mental models, and even less about how they are growing and changing. While some techniques could get deeper insight, implementing them is often time-consuming and laborious, leaving good instructors to rely on bad approaches.

We are well known for our leadership in the field of Applied Concept Mapping – the application of Concept Mapping to problems in the workplace. With the introduction of Sero!, our revolutionary learning assessment platform, we are bringing the power of Concept Maps to the challenge of assessing mental models, for learners of all ages.

For more information about Sero!, visit

Or take a look at our Publications to get a sense of the power of Sero!. Then Contact Us today to talk about how Sero! can help your organization know its mental models.